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Magic Baby Names

Popular The Lord of the Rings Books baby names for girls:

The The Lord of the Rings tag is based on List of Middle Earth characters
Sam   Fili   Grima   Silmarien
Pearl   Baran   Aredhel   Haleth
Diamond   Arien   Elfwine   Theodwyn
Rian   Galadriel   Aulë   Anairë
Ori   Varda   Findis   Andreth
Walda   Luthien   Firiel   Inzilbeth
Arwen   Miriel   Earwen   Enel
Merry   Este   Húrin   Hareth
Nessa   Wulf   Isilme   Goldwine
Elanor   Morwen   Elenwe   Írildë
Dori   Lobelia   Nerdanel   Scatha
Pip   Primula   Smaug   Saruman
Belladonna   Celebrian   Indis   Tatië
Tata   Dis   Fastred   Alatáriel
Nori   Idril   Tinuviel   Brego
Dior   Elwing   Namo   Nienor
Eowyn   Finduilas   Isildur   Vaire
Beren   Melian   Irime   Tindómiel
Huan   Hama   Manwe   Nimrodel
Emerie   Nain   Elu   Voronwe
Kili   Turin   Yavanna   Yávien
Theoden   Frea   Ilmare   Elbereth
Aerin   Eomer   Lalaith   Elfhild
Estel   Elenna   Hor   Erendis
Vana   Nahar   Pimpernel   Berylla
Pippin   Nienna   Ulmo
Gram   Nom   Pervinca
Mim   Khim   Valar

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